Are You On Your Period?

"They think they're flattering us by treating us as sex objects. I'd rather they treat us as doctors."
~ Nothing Lasts Forever (Sidney Sheldon)
How many times have you heard a woman say something similar to this? How many times do you think  Oh My God, not this respect women lecture again? You've always heard of why you should respect a woman, about how you should respect a woman. But did you ever think of how to understand a woman? Why should we understand a woman? No? Yet, there's a universal fact stating, "No one can understand a woman."

Being a lady, I will tell you what a woman feels. Why she feels useless and why being a woman is the hardest thing to do in this world.

There's not a single person who wants to understand a female. Why? Because women are hard to understand? You can't differentiate if she's PMS-ing or if she's on her period? Mostly because you couldn't care less. Don't open your mouth to defend yourself, just keep it shut and ponder on what I'm trying to say.
  • When a female comes to this world, she is miraculously expected to be on her best behaviour. Not jump on the sofas, not hit other people, be a little shy and always look at her feet.
  • As she grows older she's expected to not laugh loudly like a boy. And not to giggle like a "giddy" teenager.
  • She's expected to respect all of her elders even if they don't treat her right.
    She isn't supposed to raise her voice. She shouldn't scream or shout, it's just not womanly.
  • A guy can pull her hair, steal her books and make her cry but she isn't supposed to hit him because she'll be touching him. She isn't supposed to get back at him for those books because she's supposed to be more mature. It's okay for a guy because he's a boy, we are girls, we need to know how to behave. Guys will annoy and irritate us but WE should know our 'limits'.
Coming from a very open-minded family, I will tell you, that even I have my elders say these things to me on an everyday basis.

Who says girls can get away by hitting a guy? We can't. We're taunted so much as to talk back to a guy let alone touch him.

Sometimes it just isn't easy you know? Women are being judged for every single thing they do. From the length of their skirts to the sharpness of their nails. There are women who aren't really the saints you think them to be, but again why do you want a woman to be a saint while you yourself can't be one?

Females shouldn't wear sweats because they don't look sexy in them. When she wears a dress, she's a whore who's trying too hard.
Taken from Google Images
"Bros before hoes." Who doesn't use that phrase? Even I do. But sometimes, guys go overboard with it. Being a female I'll tell you what I think about this phrase. Honestly, I don't mind the phrase tbh, I think it's a very good mindset. Now I'll tell you how I feel about it. When a couple goes through a break up it doesn't even take 24 hours for one of her ex-boyfriend's friends to ask her out. You call her a slut and a whore if your friend asks her out, you call her that if she accepts his proposal too. What if she rejects him? You still call her a slut and a whore. Why?

While you're deciding what you call your ex-girlfriend, she's busy thinking when did she become a toy from a human. Don't tell me I'm wrong in this situation because my very own best friend who's a guy told me, and I quote,
"It's very simple Shree, it's like you're a toy and you were off the market when they found out that their friend likes you. But as soon as it spread that you guys had a fallout, BOOM! You're back in the market."
There will be times when a woman will be liked by more than one man but I don't see how that's a woman's fault. Why does everyone want to play the blame game?

Who do you think is more famous, Sunny Leone or Jacqueline Fernandez? Let me be honest, Sunny. Why? Jacqueline has had tons of hits from Race 2, Kick, Housefull 2 and has worked with the best of actors like Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan. But why is Sunny more famous? Because her movies sell more than Akshay Kumar's and Salman Khan's. It's true, but why do we criticize her? She's doing what gives her money, that is what's demanded from her. If there's anybody to blame then it's not Sunny Leone but the audience. The audience demands it and the same audience condemns her. I don't understand.

And for all the males and females out there don't look down on a prostitute/hooker. For all you know she's keeping you/your sister/your mother from getting raped at the moment. How? When a man can get pleased by a willing woman then why would he rape (This is not the case all the time, but this is one of them)? The woman has her own reasons but I truly respect a prostitute/hooker. I would befriend one if I could or if I ever meet one. She deserves a bit of respect because we women, are somewhere safe because of them. She might not do something morally correct but she has her own reasons. Don't devoid them of the respect they deserve.

Women are said to prove themselves, and when they try, most of them are disrespected. Anybody would get frustrated. But you know what's the worst? That one question. "Are you on your period?" Next time, before asking a female that question, remember she can crush those two peas in your pod.
"A lot of them don't want us around. They either want to **** us or they want to **** us. You know it's not fair. Women are judged inferior until we prove ourselves, and men are judged superior until they prove what a**h***s they are."
~ Nothing Lasts Forever (Sidney Sheldon)
