K I N D N E S S .

Sometimes you feel down, dissatisfied, disappointed and the list of adjectives go on but remember you are a human. YOU are a creation of God and if you're an atheist, then YOU are a creation of nature.

There will be times when you feel alone and lonely. Times when you want to give up, times when you feel you can't get back up. There are times when you just want to die.

It's not that hard to die, there are many ways to die but if you ask me I'll say dying in sleep is the best way to die. So, you can take some sleeping pills (I don't know how much exactly, but yeah...)
I won't tell you don't give up, I won't tell you that committing suicide is a sin, I won't tell you to go see a doctor. I only want to ask you something...

Whatever reason it is that convinced you to give away your life will convince other people to give their life away too. You want to give away your life, but will you want someone else to give away their life for the same reason as you did? Will you want them to suffer the way you did? Will you want them to get hurt? Even if you don't know that person?

There will be times when you're alone, when you go through your own shit, when you don't have time to deal with others bull, but remember they are human too.

We all come to this world for a purpose. We just need to find it and work on it. One of the biggest
purpose all of us have in common is helping each other, being kind.

All I'm telling you to do is to sit and think what upsets you, the littlest things. For example, if you feel bad that you always sit alone during lunch, then look around you. Search for somebody who is sitting alone, don't you think that they're feeling bad too? Then get up and give them company. Don't wait for them to acknowledge your kindness, don't expect them to appreciate it. You need to think that you made one person less unhappy.

I'm not telling you to go out of your way and do something. I'm only telling you to go out and stop others from feeling the pain you've felt.

I'm telling you to go do something that you wished someone else had done for you.

I'm telling you to go spread Kindness.

I'm telling you to be kind.

Taken from Connor Franta's Instagram
