I know what people think of love. What love means to people, how much it can affect a person and just how much it can change them.
When love is in the picture, everybody expects love to be chosen. No matter what the other option is, love needs to be chosen. Why is love given so much importance over other feelings?
I’m not talking about love towards anybody and everybody. I’m talking about the love that you feel towards your partner. The love between couples.
In a relationship, a lot is expected from the partners. ‘If you love me, you have to do this.’ Or ‘If you really love me then why don’t you do this?’
Umm, because they’re their own people?
I’m not saying expecting from your partner is wrong. I’m saying giving space and understanding them is also very important. Many people lose their minds when they’re in love. They go blind, they go crazy. They feel like there’s no one that can take them down, all until they crash. Love is given so much importance in this life; it feels like there’s no other emotion in this world.
I will never understand why love is given so much importance in this world. I need people to know that love is a part of life. Just like your career, your friendship, your money. Love is a part of your life, not life itself.
What is love? It is exactly like happiness, sadness, anger etc.
Love is an emotion.
Just like every emotion in this world, love is also fleeting. You don’t stay happy all the time; you don’t stay angry all the time. The same way, you can’t stay in love all the time.
Why do people get married, get divorced? Get married, get divorced. Get married, get divorced. Why?
Because they are not in love with their partner anymore. Because love may stay forever but staying in love is not forever. It’s a fleeting feeling that’ll come and go.
It’s not like love isn’t important, it’s just that, it’s not worth giving your life for. It’s not worth ruining your plans for. Love is two – ways. Both the people are different and the sooner people realise and accept that the lovelier love will feel.